Gladney Blog

Superkids Advocacy Camp Conference Call

Written by Superkids Team | 2/17/16 10:30 AM
We will be holding a conference call for anyone interested in learning about Gladney's Superkids Advocacy Camp trip for prospective adoptive parents. 
Date: Tuesday, Feb. 23rd
Time: 1pm EST
Dial In #: 1-800-326-0013, conference code: 7643552 when prompted
The Superkids Advocacy Camp is an opportunity for prospective adoptive parents to travel to China and learn a little bit more about the children  who are waiting for forever families and to possibly meet the child they may adopt. 
The trip will take place from April 9-17 and the group will be visiting two of Gladney's partner orphanages - Shanghai Children's Home and Changsha #1 Social Welfare Institute. The cost of the trip will be approximately $2600 per participant, and this will include all travel/lodging/food. The cost of the China visa will be separate.
If you would like an application or to learn more about the trip, please contact Mary Chapman at