Gladney Blog


Written by Superkids Team | 4/19/16 12:48 AM

Ji'an Social Welfare Institute has a special place in my heart.  When I first visited the orphanage in 2013, we drove on a bumpy dirt road to a very poor orphanage.  We visited with the children in 2 cramped dark rooms.  Even though we see over a hundred kids each trip, I vividly remember the kids climbing in the windows, their faces, and the clothes they were wearing. We left with tears in our eyes that day.   

The transformation over the last four years has been amazing. It is now housed in a beautiful new facility with one of the region's rehabilitation centers on campus.  The staff is attentive and truly interested in ideas on how to improve care of each individual child.  

In addition to our "usual activities,"  Nancy Dobson did a presentation on early intervention, focusing on special needs kids.  She then did some hands on training with the nurses and therapists.  We only visit with a small percentage of the orphanage children, so we love the opportunity to train with the hopes that many more kids will benefit.

Of course, I will end with my favorite part....the children.  They were ready and waiting for us, and, as always, they capture our hearts.  It is always fun to celebrate what they CAN do, as sometimes we focus in on disabilities.  

Speaking of transformation.... Four years ago, my little friend walked into the room and proceeded to fall multiple times during our visit due balance and vision issues.  It broke our hearts.  Today, with evidence of healed bumps and bruises, she was a confident young lady answering my silly test questions.  What could be better than that?  ....a family!