Gladney Blog

Enmei in Ningbo

Written by Superkids Team | 4/22/16 12:31 AM

Our last day of seeing children was spent in the Enmei orphanage in Ningbo. It was a good day. We met 9 matched children and got updates for their families. This is such a fun part of what we do! It is also an important part of what we do since our goal is not only to find families for children, but also to prepare families to their parent children.

We met Andy who has been advocated for by many people. He is just as cute and charming as ever. We are exploring options to see if treatment is a possibility for his condition. His smile made everyone's day brighter.

And then there was little Nancy! Nancy loves to give hugs. All you had to do was open your arms wide and she would come running in for a big hug. Martha named her Nancy after the Nancy who is on our team. As you can see it was a huge compliment coming from Martha!

Last time we were here there was a lot of construction going on. This time this construction was completed and we were in a beautiful new room that was colorful and perfect for seeing children in.

It was a good way to end our time seeing children for this trip. But our work is not finished. Now we get to come home and share the stories of these wonderful children with you!