Gladney Blog

Superkids Trip to Taiwan!

Written by Superkids Team | 4/27/16 12:03 PM
Now that the Superkids team is back from China, we’re gearing up for our trip to Taiwan! The team leaves the US on Saturday, May 7th – only 10 days from now! We’ll be spending a full week in Taiwan and will get to visit both of our partner orphanages, Cathwel Service and Chung Yi Social Welfare Foundation. The team will consist of Gladney VP and Director of Asia Programs, Gongzhan Wu, Taiwan Program Caseworker, Mary Chapman, Superkids PT, Keely Farkas, an amazing professional photographer, Faith, and an awesome adoption advocate, Michelle.
We are hoping to meet many of the children we have been advocating for over the last several months, along with other children whose files are still being prepared. We can’t wait to see how the few children we were able to meet in September have grown and developed over the last few months!
In preparation for our trip we are collecting donations of fun items for the kids. These are toys and treats that we give the children to help them relax and open up around the us (the weird strangers who look different and speak a different language!). This in turn, helps us to see a child’s personality shine through! You can view our wish list of items here. Thank you to those that have already donated!
We will be posting blog updates during the trip so be sure to check in often!