Gladney Blog

An Update On... LOGAN!

Written by Superkids Team | 5/9/16 3:29 PM

I almost didn't recognize Logan when he came into the room when we were in China last month! His hair had grown so much and the skin condition he is diagnosed was not visible at all until you looked for it! He is so, so cute!

He is sweet little 2 year old boy who is diagnosed with a skin condition and mild anemia. He is doing so well! The advocacy camp volunteers got to spend time with him too, so we have tons of great photos and stories to share!
He did great with the activities we did with him. He follows simple directions and understands Mandarin well. He runs and jumps and kicks a ball. 
He really enjoyed playing with trains and a little toy airplane that Keely had with her. He stacked blocks and built a little house with them. He is all around adorable!
Logan's file is designated LID only, so we need a family who has a login date or is nearing dossier completion for him. Please contact April Uduhiri at for more information!