Gladney Blog

Taiwan Trip - Day 2

Written by Superkids Team | 5/11/16 2:33 PM

What an amazing day two for our Superkids team here in Taiwan. Today we got to see 7 children! The amazing part... 4 of these precious kids are already matched with their "forever" families! This gives great hope to us as we continue our journey with Taiwan and Cathwel. Advocating for these precious little ones is such a privilege.

The 3 boys that we got to meet today are just way to adorable! Each one of them is precious in his own way. The brothers share a special bond. The eldest is so giggly, his foster mom said, "he has a low laughter threshold and laughs all the time." Can I just say his laugher is contagious. While he was giggling away with Keely, she said "oh my gosh." So the other brother stopped his playing and in the clearest English repeated just that, "oh my gosh!" It was the most precious thing ever! The other little guy we met was so shy. He stayed to himself until he saw the baby in the room. Then he was all about the baby, taking pictures and all. His foster mom said he is absolutely in love with babies. Nothing more adorable than a little one caring around his little camera phone and snapping pictures... Maybe he will be our future Superkids photographer? All three of these boys are super and the "forever family" that welcomes them into their home will be forever changed by them.

We enjoyed a wonderful lunch with Cathwel staff as we ate and enjoyed conversation about the adoption world. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful organization as part of our Taiwan program!

In the afternoon we were taxied around by Mr. Yeh to some amazing sites. We went through beautiful country on windy roads during the pouring rain all to reach our final destination. At the final destination we got to explore as we went across an old bridge and along an amazing row of small shops. As a team we decorated two paper lanterns and actually got to set them off into the sky! We dedicated our lanterns to Superkids and who knows maybe wherever our lantern landed it will lead someone to us? No matter what it was a fabulous afternoon being able to truely enjoy the life here in Taiwan. This is the homeland of the children we are advocating for. The more we know, experience and participate the better we can advocate for them and grow our Taiwan program.

Signing out for today... Looking forward to the remainder of our trip. The experiences I wish I could just bottle up and bring back for every one of you to have so that you might advocate for these precious little ones too. Made me think, if I had to bottle up a little bit of America to sway one toward adoption there what would I include? For Taiwan so far my bottle would be full of the genuine people, mopeds, stinky tofu on the most adorable little street , paper lanterns and lush greenery.