Gladney Blog

Cutie-Pie Calvin

Written by Superkids Team | 5/30/16 3:52 PM

Look at this little peanut! He needs a family!

Calvin is only 16 months old! He is an easy going baby who likes to smile and laugh.

When we met him in April he was sitting and crawling. He couldn't quite walk on his own but could stand independently and walk with a small amount of support.

And he is just so stinkin' cute!

He doesn't like loud noises, but does love to be cuddled. He holds his own bottle. It is noted in his file that if his nanny comes in and hugs the other children first he will anxiously crawl to her as if he is afraid he will be skipped over. Isn't that so sweet and sad all at the same time?

Calvin's diagnosis is developmental delay. When I see everything he is doing I wonder how he even got this diagnosis!

Calvin was in the Butterfly Home for a while after being found, but he was doing so well that he was moved to the orphanage where he is thriving!

Could Calvin be your son? He needs a mommy to hold him and cuddle him so that he doesn't have to worry that he'll ever get skipped over. Please contact April Uduhiri at  for more information.

We are looking for a family with a login date for completion. Please share and help us find Calvin's family!