Gladney Blog

Meet Damien! {Taiwan}

Written by Superkids Team | 5/31/16 1:08 PM
Look out here comes the sweetie pie of the year! Damien is a 2 year old who was a little shy at first and stayed close to his caregiver. Within just minutes of me being silly and bouncing a nubby ball, making crazy noises and laughing he was joining in. As the ball bounced and I said “boop” he repeated. He didn’t just repeat the sound but also the motion. So of course I took this an opportunity to get crazier. With that he was having a blast and giggling.
When it was his turn to show off his skills with Keely he surely surprised us. He is a very smart little guy. And he was also imitating the sounds she was making. He was also able to follow direction when it came to the color blocks and cups. 
We learned that Damien has only been at Chung Yi for a short time. His past was rather rough. He is making great strides both with trusting his caregivers and developmentally. From what we saw the sky is the limit, he is a quick learner and a happy one at that. 
Damien is just way too much fun! He is in search of his forever family. He is looking for a place to call home with a mommy & daddy to play ball, put puzzles together and hold him dear… could this be you?
For more information on Damien, please contact Mary Chapman at