Gladney Blog

Micah {Taiwan}

Written by Superkids Team | 7/5/16 5:30 PM
Lights, camera, action… Micah is full of life! From the moment he came into the room he stole the show. With his caregivers in tow he was off to the races… following directions, singing songs - with hand motions included - and even bowing to say hello. 
It is no surprise why Micah is such a lovable little guy. He is happy and willing to engage anyone that he comes in contact with. He was sure to bow hello to me and look through the animal match cards. Then off to the play house to knock and say hello. In and out the door and up and down the slide he went… 
Full of energy for all the fun life brings… Micah is in search of his forever family. Micah has Down syndrome, but he sure is one special little boy, an extra chromosome makes him just who he is! He is in search of his forever family. A family that will love him unconditionally just the way he is. Could that be you? For more information on Micah – including an adorable video of him imitating animal sounds!
– please be in touch with Taiwan Program Caseworker, Mary Chapman, at