Gladney Blog


Written by Superkids Team | 7/19/16 5:30 PM
I almost think that Harley doesn't really need words to advocate for her. 

But then I think about the things I want the world to know about her and I know that I have to tell you about this darling girl.

 Harley's paperwork states that she is 2 years old, but the doctors in China think she may be younger than that. Regardless of her age, Harley is a little sweetie who is squishy and huggable. Her caregiver says she likes to be held and loves snacks and bananas.

She is a smiley easy going little thing who giggles often. She is afraid of loud noises. She is saying a few words such as "mama", she also babbles and imitates noises.

Harley has Down syndrome. She sits and rolls over by herself. When we met her in April she was just starting to transition from her belly to a sitting position.

Harley's caregiver feels she is advanced and is learning things quickly.

Little Harley sat and played with toys for quite a while when we were with her. She was content by herself, but my, how her little eyes lit up when we would sit down to play with her or engage her in any way!

Could sweet little Harley be your daughter? Please contact April Uduhiri at for more information!