Gladney Blog


Written by Superkids Team | 8/1/16 9:30 AM

Sonnet, I have to smile when I think of this little one and the sheer joy that infuses her little face when she smiles or laughs.

One time when we were visiting her she showed us over and over how she could go up and down the steps that were in the room. Each time she would stop to smile or throw her head back to laugh when she checked to see if we were still watching.

A game of peek-a-boo was just as popular. We have it in our notes that she likes dancing and music. She is just so joyful!

Sonnet is 3 years old and has Apert Syndrome. She has syndactyly of her hands and feet. She is amazing in her ability to figure out how to do what she wants to do. She walks, runs, and jumps. She stacks blocks and holds a crayon to scribble on paper. She also speaks clearly in short sentences. 

She goes to school at the orphanage. She is in foster care. Her foster mom reports that she gets along well with the other children in the home and is outgoing. When asked what Sonnet doesn't like her foster mom said that she just likes everything!

This sweet little girl needs a family that will adore her for the perfect child that she is as well as help her to reach her full potential. Could she be your daughter? Please contact us at for more information.

And please share Sonnet's post! It makes such a huge difference when we all work together for these children!