Gladney Blog

China Trip Plans & How You Can Follow Along

Written by Superkids Team | 9/30/16 9:30 AM

Are you ready?! The plans are made. The tickets are purchased and we are all ready to roll! (Well, except for packing, but we still have next week.)

The team:
Gongzhan Wu
Mary Chapman (week 1)
Wendy Stanley (week 2)
Erin Martin
Dr. Mai Xiong (week 1)
Dr. Darla Wrage (week 2)
Melissa McCallon
Douglas Martin
April Uduhiri and Keely Farkas will be at home offering support and helping with all of the extra things that have to be done.
Departure dates from the US:
October 7 & 8 (Gongzhan and Mary are going to Taiwan first so they leave on October 1)
The itinerary:
October 10 - Shanghai Children's Home
October 11&12 - Changsha #1 SWI
October 13 - Yichun & Xinyu SWI's
October 14 - Xinyu & Jian SWI's
October 15&16 - travel to Tianjin and catch our breath
October 17-20 - Tianjin Children's Home
October 21 - Ningbo Enmei Children's Home
Then back to Shanghai where we will fly home on the 22nd&23rd.
How you can follow us:
  • You can follow us right here on the blog. We will try to post daily (internet & VPN permitting).
  • You can follow our Facebook page. We will be posting multiple times a day and live streaming as much as we can. How cool is it that we live stream on Facebook now!?
How can you be involved:
  • Please share our posts! The more people who see these kids and are interested in what we are doing the more kids will find families. We need everyone to like and share posts!
  • Think about us and pray for us. This trip is wonderful and fulfilling, but it is also exhausting and there are so many things that need to work together well for us to be able to be effective in what we do.