Gladney Blog

Superkids in Taiwan Day 2

Written by Superkids Team | 10/4/16 10:30 PM

We notice this every time we come.  The kids in Taiwan are so incredibly loved. The staff at Cathwell want so badly for these children to find their families.  They know that in some cases that will be hard.... really, really hard. But it doesn't stop them from trying.  It doesn't stop them from pleading for us to help them help these kids.

And so, we must reintroduce you to this sibling group: May, Mabel, Malcolm, & Macon. What a whirl of energy these four brought into the room. All of them with such distinct personalities.  Mabel came in first, she's 9 years old.  She was so quiet and shy-- we couldn't get a peep out of her.  Next came May, the oldest, who is 10 years old.  She came in, with the biggest smile you haver ever seen. She remembered us from last time.  She sat down beside her sister and they quietly worked on crafts.  Mabel copied pretty much everything her sister did. And May tolerated that in stride.
Then Macon came in, he is the youngest. He greeted us saying, "Hello!!!" He's 5 years old.  When he came in the room, everything changed.  We got out the bowling ball and suddenly shy little Mabel came to life!! She was giggling... that big toothy grin just like her sister. May just watched, keeping and eye on her siblings.  All of the social workers mentioned how she fulfills a mothering roll for her younger siblings. She is very mature and responsible.  She always keeps an eye on them.
During this mayhem, Malcolm entered the room.  He gently chased his brother around, explored all the toys in the room, and jumped in the ball pit. He told us his favorite thing to do is play hide and seek with his siblings.  In fact,  the social workers told us that all 4 of them get along great with each other.  They live in different rooms in their orphanage-- so when they have together time, they are all very happy.
This sibling group has been available for adoption for several years. They all want to be adopted. The staff so badly wants them to be adopted. They want them to all be together. They are also worried that as the children get older, that likelihood gets smaller.  But... because they want them to find a family so so so very bad. They have started to consider adopting them to two different families.  These families would know each other-- maybe they would live in the same town, be extended family members, or attend the same church.  There would be opportunities for the children to maintain their relationships, to see each often.  We know their family or families are out there.  These kids are just oozing with life and love. They have so much to offer. They deserve a family.

Please contact Mary Chapman at for more information about these siblings!