Gladney Blog

Superkids in Taiwan Day 3

Written by Superkids Team | 10/5/16 8:49 PM

Wow... day three already! What an incredible day it has been. 

Today we spent the day with some amazing kiddos from Chung Yi. Some of them we had met last Superkids trip while others were new little faces. All of them are absolutely adorable for certain. 

It's amazing how in just a short few months they have grown so much. It must be the fresh veggies that they feed them. And of course the island sun. It really is great to be able to see them and hear of all of their developments.

If only I could bottle up the giggles that filled the room today. Spending time bouncing balls, playing soccer, putting together Lego sets, crawling through the tent and even a little game of match... 

These kids are so precious. We can hardly wait to get back to the states and tell you all about them. Stay tuned our final day is tomorrow and it's a full one. Lots and lots of precious ones to meet.