Gladney Blog

Superkids in China {Ji'an}

Written by Superkids Team | 10/14/16 4:30 PM

What should I say about visiting Ji'an? Do you want to hear about the new little boy who was just admitted here who is cuter than cute and sharp as a tack?

Or do you just want to gaze at the many expressions of one of the baby girls we met today?
Do you want me to speak of the infectious joy of Jewel? 
Or would you rather hear about the boy who loved the little musical toys we brought with us and bounced from activity to activity trying to take everything in. Here he is looking at himself in the mirror!
Or the little girl who didn't smile much, but she loved when Melissa bounced her on the ball and played with her.
I could also write an entire blog post about the hospitality of the staff here and the food we were so graciously served, not only for lunch, but for dinner as well.
I guess for today I will present a little of all of this and hope that you can see the children as we get to see them; as living, breathing, giggling, crying, feeling, real little people. Children who need us, all of us, to do what we can for them. Every one of these children deserve the chance to be loved in a family.