Gladney Blog


Written by Superkids Team | 10/19/16 11:43 AM

Connection is one of those words that adoptive parents and prospective adoptive parents use and think about a lot. Before you meet your child it may be one of your biggest questions. Will my child be able to form a connection, a bond with their new family? Will they have received enough love to keep their little hearts open to be able to give and receive love?

Today we witnessed ample evidence of connection. We were in the Jing Hai foster care center near Tainjin. Most of the children were brought in by their foster parents. We saw it in the pictures and videos we were shown by proud foster moms. We saw it as we watched the care that was being given as the children waited for their turn to be seen. We saw it in the smiles and laughter at the children's antics. We saw it in facial expressions.

Did we see some difficult things today? Of course we did! These children need a permanent loving home where they can receive medical care and the therapies they need. They need parents who adore them and are committed to them for life!

But today our hearts were lightened by the good we saw.