Gladney Blog


Written by Superkids Team | 10/22/16 10:15 AM

We weren't able to blog last night due to poor internet speed, but I don't want to miss blogging about the wonderful day we had at the Enmei orphanage! It was such a great way to end our time seeing children for this trip. Between giving packages to the matched children and seeing sweet little familiar faces and meeting new children it was just perfect.

One of the new little girls we met

Almost right away in the morning little Noah came in! He is walking well and his sweet little smile makes everyone around him smile too.

I think Noah looks happy to see his Mama!
Neil getting his care package
Nick seeing Mama and Baba's picture

Nikki was just a cute and sweet as ever. I am just in awe of how determined she is to do what she wants to do and how joy filled she is!

We were all very happy to see that Nancy still loves warm hugs!

Later in the afternoon Andy came in with his endearing grin. I can't even tell you how my heart sings at the thought of him thriving in a family. He obviously knows us and gave Darla a big hug as he was leaving.

Something funny happened at the end of the day. On Thursday evening Melissa was WeChatting photos of cakes to Darla so that Darla could show them to her daughter. Rocky saw all of the cake pictures being sent to Darla and assumed that it must be Darla's birthday. So he had one of the college students who helped us with translation buy Darla a cake. Part way through the day he needed to purchase a train ticket for Darla and saw in her passport that her birthday is not until December! We already had the cake, so we had a birthday party for Darla anyway! We sang and ate cake and took pictures. It was fabulous! Darla said it was the best birthday ever. She got cake but didn't turn a year older!

What a fun way to end our time together!