Gladney Blog

Delaney {Taiwan}

Written by Superkids Team | 11/8/16 10:30 AM

This 8 year old 'lil lady is sure to make heads turn as she shows off her new hair style. Delaney is so proud to have picked it all by herself!

Our time together started with shyness and whispers... In just a short time, and with the help of a silly chair stacking game, we were off on an amazing adventure. 

Delaney was excited to show her game skills and stack those little chairs. And ever so delicate to not cause a sudden tumble. Sharing a big grin as she stacked each chair with success and awaited her next turn. 

Then it was time to leap into some active play. We found out rather quickly how much she enjoys soccer. Her smile got even wider and the room was filled with her sweet laughter. 

Delaney is a perfect mix of shy and tumble fun. She is in search of her forever family to share life's adventures. Could she be your daughter? For more information on Delaney, please contact Mary Chapman at