Gladney Blog

Dean {Taiwan}

Written by Superkids Team | 12/6/16 11:30 AM
Dean is an adorable 6 year old boy! We met Dean in October 2016 and we have some super sweet photos that show off his radiant smile. 

Dean loved playing different games with us, including Legos and looking through an I Spy book. He would get very excited when he got answers to our questions right - you could tell he was proud of himself. 

Dean is currently living in a foster family and he is very attached to his foster mother. He is in kindergarten and loves when the class gets to be active. He is energetic and likes playing outside. He loves playing with his friends, play toy cars, and ride a bike with training wheels.
Dean is healthy with no medical needs. 

For more information on Dean, including his photos and videos, please contact Taiwan Program Caseworker, Mary Chapman, at