Gladney Blog

Michael & Marty {Taiwan}

Written by Superkids Team | 12/8/16 11:30 AM
Oh man, are these brothers adorable! Michael will be turning 9 years old in January and Marty just turned 7 years old. Both boys enjoyed playing with the toys and laughed a lot – they have great laughs!
Michael loves to be active. He told us that his favorite part of school is getting to play sports in PE. He also loves to play with toy cars and stuffed animals. And of course, he loves watching cartoons! His foster mother told us that he is very considerate, and will often show concern for others. He also takes his role as big brother very seriously, he looks after Marty and will remind him to behave.
Marty has a great sense of humor. We asked him why someone would use a spoon and his response was that it’s because they don’t know how to use chopsticks! Marty told us that he loves doing arts and crafts in school and dancing. He also likes playing with stuffed animals and any toy that moves. 
For more information on Michael and Marty, please contact Mary Chapman at