Gladney Blog

Cara, Yes, Another Precious Baby Girl!

Written by Superkids Team | 12/23/16 7:00 PM

Cara is only 1 year old and my goodness! Did she ever love to be held and rocked! Douglas held her and held a music player for her to listen to and she was content to just be rocked like this for a long time!

Cara has hypothyroidism and a cleft palate. In our Superkids screening she appeared to also be developmentally delayed, though her file does not indicate this. She responds to her name and vocalizes. She sits independently and pulls to a stand with assistance. She likes to suck her thumb and looks pretty cute doing it too!

Look at the way she is looking up at Douglas in the top picture! Isn't it just too sweet? Could this baby be your daughter? Please contact us at for more information.