Gladney Blog

In With The New!!

Written by Superkids Team | 1/3/17 1:52 PM
Happy 2017!!!!
It is officially 2017. The offices are open again after the holidays and we are raring to get this year off to a great start.
So, without further ado, here are some great reasons to start a China or Taiwan adoption with Gladney right now!
We are waiving our application fee for our China and Taiwan programs this month! 

We have new files from China!! Oh yes, yes we do! And these are some super cute kiddos that we have met in China. We can't wait to speak with you about these sweeties and then help you bring them home! Please email us at for more information.
Helena's file was recently received!
Our Taiwan program is growing by leaps and bounds! Since Superkids started visiting the orphanages in Taiwan our program has really increased! If you want to know more about our Taiwan program please contact Mary Chapman at
Michael & Marty, waiting brothers in Taiwan
All of our waiting children from China or Taiwan with Down Syndrome have a $4,000 grant through Gladney! This means that families applying right now to adopt a child with Down Syndrome get the application fee waiver plus a $4,000 grant! It makes me excited just typing it!
A gorgeous baby girl we met who has Down Syndrome
It is going to be a great year! Let's make dreams come true together!