Gladney Blog


Written by Superkids Team | 1/14/17 2:46 PM

Isla is a gorgeous little 7 year old girl. Her caregivers describe her as active, outgoing, and happy. When we met her in November our team fell in love with her. Our notes are full of "so sweet!" "smiley" and "love this girl!"

Isla has Apert Syndrome. She has fused fingers and toes, which is typical of this syndrome. She is doing really well developmentally!

She was super careful when she stacked blocks to be sure they were straight. She also made a lovely bead necklace for herself. She speaks clearly in complete sentences and answers questions such as "what did you have for breakfast?"

When she saw the Legos we had with us she asked, "What is this?" When we replied that they are toys she asked, "A gift?" 

This darling little girl is doing so well and would really thrive with a family! Could she be your daughter? Please contact us at for more information.