Gladney Blog


Written by Superkids Team | 1/16/17 1:36 PM

I know we are always introducing you to super cute children on this blog. It is what we do. But I'm going to propose that we have some exceptional cuteness to post this morning!

Loyal is 5 years old and is a very healthy little guy. He may have some language delays, although his foster parents told us that he speaks well at home. Our translator also got him to talk a little bit, so he can definitely speak in complete, short sentences.

He was a little shy and spoke in the local dialect, so most of our answers came from his foster mom. She said he is very smart, active, and happy. We were able to observe some things, such as he can walk, run, and jump. He can stand on one foot and put together a little Lego set.

Loyal is a generally healthy little 5 year old boy! Could he be your son? Please email us at for more information.