Gladney Blog

Chinese New Year Party in NYC

Written by Superkids Team | 1/23/17 2:21 PM

Oh my! If you did not make if to our Chinese New Year party in New York City on Saturday, just go ahead and decide to really try to make it next year! We had such a great party with families from far and wide. One family flew in from Colorado, another drove down from Boston. And then there were those from New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. It was a great gathering of people!

Wendy Stanley with her two daughters

We had Lion dancers there who did a fabulous job of dancing and of interacting with the crowd. We had the Purple Swan dancers as well who did several gorgeous dance routines for us.  And then there was this lovely little gymnast who did an amazing routine.

Some of the children who were there with the Purple Swans

The food was good, the company was even better. What a fun event!