Gladney Blog

Meet Zoe!

Written by Superkids Team | 1/25/17 2:39 PM

It's Zoe's day to shine!

Zoe is 4 years old. She was born prematurely and was placed in the Butterfly Home to receive special care there. She has since graduated from the Butterfly Home and is in the orphanage now because she is doing so well!

Zoe has developmental delays. Unfortunately for her, this orphanage is quick to diagnose "mental retardation" so that is what her file says. Please, please don't let that scare you away!

She is walking, running, and jumping. She stacks blocks and tries to count to 10, she got a couple of numbers confused, but did great otherwise. She knows her colors and some shapes. She speaks in simple but complete sentences. She can string beads and knew that she needed to take her shoes off before she stepped on the scales to be weighed. She feeds herself, but still needs help going to the restroom.

As a matter of fact, one of our team was telling me how smart she is before she saw what her diagnosis was. This was after watching her remove then put on own shoes back on and observing her chatting away on a toy phone.

Could this lovely little girl be your daughter? Please contact us at for more information.