Gladney Blog


Written by Superkids Team | 2/8/17 2:34 PM

We have a little artist to introduce this morning! Leon is 9 years old and loves to paint and color. He is pretty good at it too! He was very careful about coloring in the lines and loved using bright colors!

Leon is delayed developmentally, has cerebral palsy, and has burn scars on his left arm. He attends school at the orphanage, where art is his favorite subject. He is an active, curious little boy.

Leon speaks in simple phrases, and can answer questions correctly. He counts to 10 and knows his colors. He walks and runs independently, though he has a bit of a limp. He can go up and down steps if he has a rail to hold onto.

The most outstanding thing about Leon is his sweet spirit. He has an unusual sweetness about him that makes you feel very drawn to him. He likes to show us his pictures and loves it when we make a big deal about how beautiful they are. He loves attention. He needs affirmation.

He needs a family. Could he be your son? Please contact us at for more information. Please take a chance on Leon!!