Gladney Blog

All You Need Is Love {Luca}

Written by Superkids Team | 2/13/17 2:45 PM

It is the week of hearts and love and we have a little one to introduce who will inspire all of the googly heart-eyes when you look at him!

See there. All.the.googly.heart.eyes!!
This is Luca. He is 2 years old. And speaking of hearts, his little heart was pretty broken when he was born. He has CHD (TOF) and has had 2 operations in China. right now he is in Shanghai (not where he is from) living with a foster family following his second surgery. He is doing very well, and a report from about 6-8 weeks ago says we " did a heart echo and ECG to see his little heart. All went well. Otherwise he is happy, really happy boy!"

And he is cute. My goodness, is he ever cute. Everyone whom we have spoken to about him tells us how smart he is. We did not see him when we were in China in October, but we met him in April and at that time (he had just turned 2) he was walking independently. He was communicating well using simple words. He could feed himself and loved eating the little yogurt melts we had with us.
Luca has been cared for in the Butterfly Home, which means he has received so much love and attention! He has been truly treasured, which is such an amazing gift for a frail baby boy born with a broken little heart!
This was taken just 6-8 weeks ago in Shanghai.
Luca needs a family! Could he be your son? Please contact us at for more information!