Gladney Blog

Meet Victor!

Written by Superkids Team | 4/5/17 12:35 PM
Victor is every bit as adorable as his pictures and report describe!  We were able to travel  to meet him recently, and he is a friendly, silly and typical  9 year old boy.   He is very inquisitive and curious and has a lot of questions about almost everything, as he likes to figure out how things work. His teacher back in China shares that he is intellectually on target, and he works hard at school. His favorite subjects are PE and cooking class! He takes English classes every week, and he likes it very much!

Victor makes friends easily and is helpful with those he knows- pushing his friend in his wheelchair and helping with the chores.  He loves singing and can play chess.  We were smitten with his  polite manners as he offered a snack to everyone at our table before eating it himself. 
Victor is independent in self-care and he willingly helps with chores, such as putting  away the dishes, setting the table, and organizing and folding his clothes.

Victor longs to have a family of his own as he has expressed multiple times to his foster family.  He is familiar with the concept of adoption and what it means to be a part of a loving family. In his foster home he has been exposed to the Catholic faith and his faith practices have become an important part of his life.
Victor’s need is post-operative left nasal ala deformity. Victor had cranial facial surgery in early March 2017. He traveled to the US on a medical visa to have this surgery done in Dallas, TX.  When we met him two weeks post-surgery, his medical team was quite pleased with his progress and surgery outcome.

He is staying in the US for several months for on going medical care and follow up. Wouldn't it be amazing if he had a family commit to him before he needs to return to China? Please contact us at for more information. We have so many pictures and videos we would love to share!