Gladney Blog


Written by Superkids Team | 4/7/17 11:00 AM

Harriet is a sweet, spunky 9 year old girl. She likes to sing and dance, but, when asked what she dislikes, her reply was running.

Harriet has Thalassemia and receives a blood transfusion on a monthly basis. She is doing well developmentally. She does well at school and is a good reader.

When we met her she joined in a rousing game of ball, but then settled right down and put together a Lego set by herself. She absolutely loved those Legos and was very proud of the little castle she made.

She is independent in her self care. She enjoyed stringing beads and made herself a cute little necklace. She is a friendly, outgoing child who warmed up to our team quickly.

This lovely little girl needs a family. The care in China for children with Thalassemia is not as good as it should be. Due to a shortage of blood, children often don't receive transfusions as frequently as they should. This sweet girl needs to come home soon! Please contact us at for more information.