Gladney Blog

Day 1 Superkids in Taiwan

Written by Superkids Team | 4/17/17 1:25 PM

What a day! We are staying in a lovely location with a beautiful view. When I got up this morning and looked outside as it was just getting light, I just knew the day was going to be a good one.

And it was! We met the sweetest brothers right away this morning Mel & Milton. They are amazing! They are polite, they do well in school. They are smart and sweet and funny. They get along well with each other. And they need a family.

Soon after we met little Mia followed by so many other precious children! There were the precious brother and sister, the little boy with strabismus who needed an eye patch who brought us each a little treat before he left, Micah who came into the room ready to show us all how adorable he is, and so many other cuties!

We walked to a little market street near Cathwel for lunch. They specialize in stinky tofu. Oh my! The whole street wreaked of tofu. But we found a little restaurant with delicious food options (we all opted out of the tofu).

And tonight we went to the night market. We tried some interesting food and walked along enjoying the sounds, smells, and sights of Taiwan.

Tomorrow we go back to Cathwel. We can't wait to meet tomorrow's children!