Gladney Blog

Day 4 Superkids in Taiwan

Written by Superkids Team | 4/20/17 1:58 PM

Our last day in Taiwan is over. It was another good day. It was a fun mixture of seeing children we know and are advocating for, children we have never met, and children who are matched.

This morning we met some great, funny boys that I wish everyone could meet in person. This little guy was so polite asking for a second set of Legos. And he certainly enjoyed them!

We also met some young matched children. They are so sweet! I know their families are anxiously waiting for photos and videos! I promise, we are working hard to get them to you. It will be top priority when we get home.

Then in the afternoon we got to see both Daisy and Darby. Oh my, such cuteness! Daisy is quiet and shy while Darby is outgoing and silly. Both are so precious! Guess which one is in the picture below?

We also gave care packages to sisters who will be going home soon. Giving care packages is a wonderful part of what we do!

Tomorrow morning we head to the airport early. Next week will be busy as we process all of the material we have gathered!