Gladney Blog

Meet Isaac

Written by Superkids Team | 5/4/17 12:42 PM

I was told about this cute little boy who needs a family. I agreed to write an advocacy post and get his information out there where parents could see it. So I opened up the Dropbox folder containing the information we have and this little face greeted me.

Oh my! Just look at him!

Isaac is 4 years old and has microtia. According to al of the information we have, his hearing is good and he is developmentally on target, though possibly a tad delayed with speech, he is speaking, but not yet in complete sentences.

This little guy sounds like such wonderful child! He dresses himself and likes to take baths. He enjoys playing in the water and having water fights is one of his favorite activities. He is described as active and imaginative. He likes to dance to music on the TV.

He sounds so perfect! And his only need is the way his ears are formed. Seriously, look at him!

Could he be your son? Please contact us at for more information.