Gladney Blog

McKenna {Taiwan}

Written by Superkids Team | 5/30/17 12:10 PM
Who was this little girl with the cutest little bob? It was McKenna. She came into the room, shy and quiet and quickly eyed what she wanted to play with while she waited patiently for her turn. She wore a cute dress with jeans, being ever particular about not getting it dirty as she waited. 
While waiting she was given a bag to pick out some homemade bracelets. She took her time picking out a few, making sure to grab just the right ones, as if to make sure it didn’t clash with her outfit. But don’t let this little fashionista fool you; she likes to play with the boys. Without hesitation she showed us how she could kick, throw, and catch a ball; something she likes to do with her foster brothers.
When she’s not playing with the boys, she loves to play dress up and get pretty.  Once she’s comfortable she becomes very talkative and showing you all the tricks she can do on the playground equipment.
Could this little fashionista tomboy be your daughter? Contact Mary Chapman at