Gladney Blog


Written by Superkids Team | 6/14/17 12:51 PM

Sweet baby cuteness coming your way!

Lachlan is 2 years old and is a sweet, cuddly baby boy. He likes to be held and takes a little time to warm up to new people. He is a smart little guy who exceeded our expectations developmentally when we met him in October.

He is diagnosed with eczema and, unfortunately, his file also says "mental retardation". As I said, when we met him he was meeting or exceeding milestones.

He likes playing with blocks and building block towers. He walks, runs, and jumps. He goes up and down steps with a little assistance. He follows simple instructions and speaks in short sentences. He points to his eyes, ears, nose, etc. when asked. He feeds himself finger foods and is quick to share snacks with his friends.

This little sweetie needs a family! Could he be your son? Please contact us at for more information.