Gladney Blog


Written by Superkids Team | 7/6/17 2:00 PM

07/15/2017 update: We have had a wonderful response to our advocacy efforts for Les! His file is being considered and we are hopeful he will be matched soon. We are no longer sharing his file. Thank you!

This little guy right here. This is Les. He is 2 years old and I don't need to tell you how cute he is, because pictures...

Anyway, Les has a couple of minor, very manageable needs that we will be happy to discuss with interested families.

He is a happy, energetic little boy who would rather play outdoors than inside. He like to drive little cars around and stack blocks. When we met him in October he wasn't even 2 yet and he was walking, running, and saying a few words. He found hidden objects, fed himself Gerber puffs, and sat nicely on his caregiver's lap while we talked with her.

Les is a little sweetheart and his family is going to be so fortunate to have him as their son! We are are looking for a family who already has some paperwork done for this little guy. Could he be your son? Please contact us at for more information.