Gladney Blog

Superkids in China and Taiwan

Written by Superkids Team | 7/21/17 2:25 PM
Following CCCWA’s announcement earlier this week a lot of families and advocates have been wondering how the suspension of partnerships and other hosting and camp programs will impact China adoptions and Gladney’s Superkids work.
Although the future isn’t crystal clear at this moment, we are confident that the program will continue to move forward.  Gladney has been working in China for over 20 years and we have seen many changes – we have always been able to flow with whatever comes our way and we will continue to work to place children in loving, committed families. 
Superkids may be primarily known for work we do in China, however over the last couple of years it has expanded to include visits to Taiwan as well.  The Taiwan program is a small, but rapidly growing Asian adoption program for families that are interested in siblings, younger children with medical needs and older children (ages 5+) with and without medical needs.  The parent qualifications, process and requirements are slightly different from China.
A Superkids volunteer in Taiwan.
Often we receive emails from our partners in Taiwan about children that are available to be matched to qualified families who have an approved international adoption home study.  Just yesterday we learned about a little boy who is turning 5 this fall, who they will be planning to match soon.  To learn more about this situation and other opportunities in the Taiwan program please contact
As we close this week we remain hopeful for each individual child’s future and optimistic that Superkids will continue to have a positive impact in the lives of orphans in both China and Taiwan!