Gladney Blog


Written by Superkids Team | 8/23/17 2:40 PM

We met Silas when he was 2 1/2 weeks old. He was not even admitted to the care of the SWI yet, but they brought him from the hospital to meet us. A tiny little bundle of preciousness.

He is now 18 months old and is doing so well. He crawls and sits independently. He is learning to walk. He bangs blocks together and feeds himself small finger foods. He is saying some simple words and is a smiley little boy. His file says that sometimes he just laughs and laughs and laughs.

Silas has hand and foot deformities. He obviously isn't letting that slow him down one bit. He has grown into an adorable little toddler.

Could he be your son? Please contact us at for more information.