Gladney Blog

Taiwan Day 4

Written by Superkids Team | 11/8/17 11:38 PM

Just a little glimpse into our amazing 1st day at Cathwel... 

As we pulled up to the Cathwel this morning it felt so familiar. We were welcomed warmly and shown up to our rooms to start our day.

The morning started with some itty bitty cuteness. A little one who has a family working to bring him home being one of them. Oh how he is so little yet amazed us as he was showing off his skills. The love of these nannies always shines through and oh, how precious it is to watch the little ones respond them. 

As the morning continued the room was filled with many little ones. They had with them foster parents, social workers and sometimes even a foster sibling or two. The continual flow kept us on our toes. There were giggles galore, little ones and older ones running up and down the play set, in and out of the play house, completing balance beam challenges and much, much more.

For lunch we shared a family style meal and had great conversation. It’s always a special time to sit around the table and just catch up. And it’s a bonus as we get to experience first hand the meals that are prepared for the children at Cathwel.

The afternoon was also filled with many adventures. We even met a set of twins! And you can help us pick advocacy names for them on our Advocate for Taiwan Waiting Children Facebook page. 

The later part of the day we caught up with some familiar faces. And oh, how much these boys have grown in just a short time! They continue to melt our hearts with their genuine sweetness and caring nature.

If there is one thing to take away from today... it’s how very important team work is. Each and every member has such an important role. The love and compassion for the little ones shows through all the way around. The saying it takes a village... so true. Each and every time I’m amazed at how amazing each team is from the social workers to the nannies and foster parents it always shines through how much they genuinely love these little ones.