Gladney Blog


Written by Superkids Team | 1/10/18 3:51 PM

I have the sweetest little 6 year old girl to introduce today!

This is Rachel.

She is described as clever and lovely. She is blind and in her file it says, "although she cannot see the colorful colors of the world she maintains a positive attitude." Is that about the nicest thing that could be said, or what?!


The person who prepared the file went to speak with her and touched her. Rachel exclaimed with surprise, "Auntie, you are wearing a ring!" She is learning Braille and is in a special school to help her learn life skills.

She communicates well and clearly and even recites poems and has been involved in performance recitations. It is noted that she memorizes things very easily. She is a quiet, thoughtful little girl.

I just can't get over how amazing she sounds! Could you help to open this beautiful little girl's world? Could she be your daughter? Please contact us at for more information!