Gladney Blog

Arlo {Taiwan}

Written by Superkids Team | 2/6/18 1:11 PM

Arlo is an 8 year old boy who likes playing with remote control cars and playing at the park. He likes playing with friends at school and is good at following rules.

Arlo is quiet and shy and didn't want to talk to us much when our team met him in November. We didn't mind, we know that we can seem a little overwhelming to children when we are all there. His caregiver told us that he is more talkative when he is with people he knows. Pretty normal for a quiet 8 year old boy!

He built a tall tower of blocks for us and then knocked them over. He had fun playing ball and was good at running, jumping, and spinning. I think he was pretty excited to see Joe there! Joe played ball with him and then we saw some smiles!

Arlo is on medicines for ADHD. He does well in school and is able to concentrate on his school work.

Arlo will be such a great son for someone! We need to find his family. Please contact Mary Chapman at for more information.