Gladney Blog

Ask The Experts... Father's Day Edition

Written by Superkids Team | 6/16/18 1:36 PM
What is your favorite thing about your dad?

That he plays "Chopped Kids" with us. (Steve creates cooking competitions for our kiddos) - Yu Yu Willett, age 10.

He plays flips and airplanes with me. - Andie Clements,  age 4

He lets me work with him. - Khloe Kennett- age 6

He takes me to gas stations and lets me get whatever junk food I want. - Charlotte, age 8

That he tells me I am beautiful and kisses me every night. - Eliana age 9

What is something funny your dad always does?

He makes funny faces sometimes, and his snoring is pretty funny. - Khloe Kennett, age 6

He played Christmas music all year long.

We saw our dad throwing away some shoes...that was really funny wasn’t it, Mom? (Sam (5) and Andie (4) Clements after watching their dad make a goodwill donation 

 He says we are going to have stinky sock soup for dinner! Yu Yu, age 10 and Rosielin, age 8

He farts! - Charlotte age 8, from Wuwei, China.

He sings really loud in the shower. - Annika age 11

"It is not flesh and blood, but the heart which makes us fathers and sons." - Von Schiller