Gladney Blog

MATCHED!! Annabelle {Taiwan}

Written by Superkids Team | 12/18/18 1:30 PM



On our last trip to Taiwan we met a darling little girl who had us all smiling and giggling with her the whole time she was in the room. We named her Annabelle and we asked Michelle, one of our long-standing Superkids volunteers (and a Gladney mom) to write a little about her experience meeting Annabelle.

Here is what she had to say: "Annabelle is the same age as my youngest. She was born in Taiwan. And the similarities don’t stop there... she also has an extra chromosome, known as trisomy 21, or more commonly, Down syndrome. Annabelle’s dark hair frames her sweet round face. Her dark chocolate eyes sparkle. And the most adorable giggle comes from the her soft pink lips. She only says a few words and uses a few signs yet she is very capable of communicating her needs. Annabelle stole the show as she entered the room with a big wave and a "Hi" to the camera. It didn't take long to realize she loves the camera. And she was an expert at posing! We shared in her pride as she showed us how quickly she could put her large wooden shape puzzle together. And it didn’t stop there... Annabelle shared with us her scooter riding talent, giggles and all as she glided across the room."


Now tell me you don't want to just go snatch this sweetheart up after reading that! Here are a few more details about her. She is 4 years old and is a genuinely good natured child. Her motor skills are great and her caregivers loved showing us how well she could do various tasks. Watching their pride in her was as fun as watching her pride in her own accomplishments. As Michelle mentioned, her speech is delayed. She says a few words, but mostly communicates with signs. Her comprehension is amazing, she easily and quickly follows 2 step directions. And her caregivers made sure to tell us she follows instructions even when she does not want to do what they ask.

So, now your question is how to find out more about her, right? Email and don't forget to join our private Facebook group to see pictures and videos of her that we cannot share publicly!