Gladney Blog

MATCHED!! Axl {Taiwan} Joins Virtual Superkids

Written by Superkids Team | 3/17/21 2:04 PM

Axl joined our most recent virtual Superkids trip and we are very excited to announce that we have much more information to share with you! Don't forget to tune in for our Facebook live presentation of Axl on Thursday, March 18! 

During our Zoom call with 8-year-old Axl, he told us that his favorite animal is a turtle, he likes eating French fries, sushi, burgers, and chicken nuggets, and he dislikes tomatoes and green peppers. When we asked his favorite color, he told us he likes them all! Axl also told us that he likes playing outside and riding a bicycle with only two wheels. He dislikes homework and exercises like running and jumping and is afraid of dogs and sharks.  His favorite subject in school is computer class and he tells us about his best friend at school who he enjoys chatting with. We asked Axl what he wanted to be when he grows up and he said he wasn’t sure because he had never thought about it. Axl has given himself the English name Herman.  

Axl lives in a children’s home with 6 other boys in his unit. His social worker describes him as energetic, lively, and sweet. He takes medication for ADHD and Tourette’s and receives extra resource classes for math and Mandarin. Axl has shown improvements since he began the medication. Axl goes to counseling once per week and when discussing adoption, he looks forward to new parents and is excited to go to the U.S. He often asks if a new family has been found for him yet. Axl’s social workers hope his new family can provide him with a lot of love, attention, and patience once adopted. Please be sure to check out his previous blog postjoin our Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group on Facebook to see his updated photos and videos, and contact to learn more about Axl!