Gladney Blog

Benjamin - Bright Futures 2020

Written by Gladney Center for Adoption | 6/27/20 9:09 PM

Parent Quote

When you get ‘the call’, it begins a whirlwind of emotions…joy beyond words, fear of not being a great parent, and heartbreak for the birth mother who is giving you a gift that can never be repaid. We met Ben when he was four days old. His birth mother and birth grandmother were both there to see him on his way. We cannot imagine the emotions she was feeling as she handed this bundle of a boy to us, the faith and trust it must have taken. Through years of pictures and letters, we were able to include her in his childhood, culminating in a reunion when Ben was 18. What a feeling to come full circle and show her the results of her selfless choice years before.

From the Graduate

My adoption was never secret to or burden upon me, but it did fuel an innate curiosity which steered me towards physics. While I knew I would eventually meet my birth family, a desire to know more about my birth family spilled over into a fascination with science. While this curiosity’s initial source may have been satisfied, I am still driven to understand why our world operates as it does. The only difference now is that I have twice the amount of family, support, and overwhelming amount of love behind me as I continue to pursue answers.

About Benjamin

Benjamin completed his B.S. in physics at the University of Texas at Dallas while balancing a passion for music. On campus, he broadcasted for college radio and conducted high-energy physics research on the BaBar experiment. While abroad, he took early graduate courses in the U.K., participated in research projects on the JUNO detector in Germany and the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland, and refined his musicianship with a classical guitar masterclass in Spain. Benjamin plans to earn his PhD in neutrino detector physics and accelerator hardware before pursuing a career as an experimental physicist at a national lab.

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