Gladney Blog


Written by Superkids Team | 4/17/19 1:28 PM

Today we were at Cathwel, our third day seeing children and our first day at Cathwel for this trip. The children came into the room in a steady stream all day long. 

Some of them were matched, one little girl even met her family for the first time today! Some were familiar and knew us and we knew them. We had not seen sweet little Desiree for a while, but that did not deter her from coming right in and resting her little forehead against ours in her signature move! We were so happy to see her!

Some of the children we had not previously met. Little ones and older ones alike we met for the first time and did our best to begin to learn their story so that we can begin to become a voice for them to help them tell their stories.

Some we fell in love with at first sight. I saw this little guy come into the room and knew immediately that Nancy was a goner! I think he was too judging by his expression here!

They came in to see us in a steady stream today. But they are each individuals with stories just beginning. They are each worthy of the time and effort these trips take. They are each going to leave their mark on this world. They have already left their mark on those of us who have met them.