Gladney Blog

Cecily {China}

Written by Superkids Team | 10/18/19 1:50 PM

Cecily is part of CCCWA’s new Ambassador of Love program.  Prospective Parents are invited by the CCCWA to meet this child in China as part of the matching process.  For more information please contact

Oh, sweet Cecily! It has been so long since we have seen her! Seeing these pictures makes me so happy and so sad that she still waits! You can see a post we wrote about her here.

But Cecily still waits. She is doing well and has grown so much! Cecily is 5 years old and has Apert syndrome. We are excited about the possibility of getting ongoing updates for her since she is part of the Ambassador of Love program.

Could Cecily be your daughter? Please contact us for more information.