Gladney Blog

Ciana {China}

Written by Superkids Team | 2/26/19 2:51 PM

We give the children we advocate for advocacy names for privacy purposes. While the names are significant to the children, they do hold some level of meaning to us since thats how we refer to the children we advocate for. This morning I needed a name for a little girl and saw that the meaning of her Chinese name is light. So I did a quick Google search and found a list of names meaning light. I ended up choosing Ciana for her. I have never heard it before, but I just loved it! I think it fits her.

So. Meet Ciana! Isn't she beautiful!? She will be 9 years old soon. Her file was prepared quite a while ago, but fortunately there are fairly regular updates for her, so we can tell that she is has changed and improved each year since her file was prepared!

Ciana's file indicates that she was born prematurely. In her original file she sounds pretty delayed in language, but in her most recent update she has made great strides there and is now communicating well.

She is described as having a quiet personality. She isn't really shy, but she tends to be a more quiet child. She likes to play with dolls. She enjoys drawing and can learn and recite poetry.

She attends school and, while still behind her peers, she seems to be doing well. By reading Ciana's file she sounds like she is somewhat delayed but making good progress in most if not all areas.

Could Ciana be your daughter? Please contact us at for more information!