Gladney Blog

Draydon -Update {Matched}

Written by Superkids Team | 3/19/19 7:42 PM

As of 9/26/19:

We are so happy to learn that Draydon has found his forever family! However, there are still many children like Draydon still waiting for their families. Please contact to learn more about adopting from Taiwan.

I am going to do something that I do not think I've ever done before in this post. We hear at Superkids talk about a lot of different people who advocate to find homes for children. We call ourselves child advocates. Sometimes we provide a platform for an older child to do what we refer to as self advocacy. Today we are providing a platform for a foster mom to advocate for her foster son.

We are being told that Draydon's file will be closed soon if a family does not step forward for him. Please read his foster mom's words and share this post!

Question 1 :Would you give an account of the sweetest things that Draydon has ever done?

Answer: Yes, he does many things to make me feel touched. The latest thing is that I pickedhim up from school and it started raining when we walked home. He started running very fast half way home without telling me why. He was so cute; he just ran home.And then, when I lifted my head, I realized he went home to get an umbrella and said, “Auntie, this umbrella is for you.” That was really touching.

Question 2: What do you think of Draydon as a child?

Answer: He is a very smart, considerate child. He really is very smart. But since he is still young, he sometimes is a bit impulsive. He can learn by analogy; he sometimes is even eloquent. He is truly smart. If we could led him on the right paths, his has unlimited possibilities in the future.

Question 3: Would you give an account of Draydon's good behaviors lately? 

Answer: He keeps making progresses. For example, his grades has also improved this time. Even the teachers admire him. Although he is naughty in school and is often rebuked by the teachers, he is innocent without thinking too much like the teachers are blaming me or something like that. There was this one time when one of his teachers got a cold. Draydon came home and said to me, “Auntie, my teacher got a cold. Could I give him/her one or two cough drops that you gave me?” I said,“Okay, take the whole can.” Draydon said, “Thank you, auntie. I will give it to my teacher.” He probably did not explain to the teacher clearly. The teacher told me that he/she wanted to give me the cough drops back at the end of the semester. I told the teacher they were from the child to you. The teacher said he/she was so touched.

Question 4: Regarding Draydon’s adoption, would you give him some blessings?

Answer: My whole family blesses him sincerely and wholeheartedly. I bless him that he will find a good family who will commit to him. If one could treat him with empathy, I believe this child has unlimited possibilities in the future. He really is a very, very smart child.

Darydon is 9 years old and his file indicates he may have ADHD. For more information about him please contact