Gladney Blog

Ellyn- Bright Futures 2021

Written by Gladney Center for Adoption | 8/3/21 9:15 PM

Parent Quote

We met Ellyn and her siblings for the first time on a beautiful summer afternoon in 2009. Even in the middle of everyone's fear and anxiousness, Ellyn had a bright and beautiful smile. We have always been amazed at the courage she had as a small, but brave five-year-old.  Ellyn carries that same courage and strength today as she makes plans for her future to love and serve others. 

From the Graduate

Adoption is a life-changing, eye-opening, breathtaking, challenging journey. Adoption is teaching me that there are many faces of struggle. Not everyone has the same type of struggles, but every person matters and deserves help. Adoption is one way to help. The process shows me there are people wanting to help. I am learning that I can be the helping hand in other people's lives. I am also learning it's good to accept help and be readily available to offer help. 

About Ellyn

Ellyn remembers being little, unable to help others and not knowing what to do. She truly believes the people who helped her along the way, got her to where she is today. Ellyn has always wanted to help people. She decided the best way to serve others is to become a traveling nurse. Ellyn wants to see the world as well as meet and learn all she can about other people, places, and cultures. 

Write a comment below congratulating Ellyn on her accomplishments and encouraging her in her future!